A collective space for network leaders and staff
It’s easy to be overwhelmed by the breadth and depth of the problems the world currently faces. We’re up against so many complex problems — and we’re struggling.
I believe that multi-stakeholder networks are our best shot for solving those complex problems. Networks are popping up everywhere. They’ve become a go-to approach given their fit-for-purpose nature: networks mirror the complexity of the problems they seek to solve through the breadth of both the stakeholders they engage and the activities that they facilitate.
I myself spent many years working for one, the Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE), that seeks to ensure the right to education in situations of natural disaster and violent conflict. That experience sparked my deep interest in networks and my empathy for network leaders and staff.
While the utility of networks has become more widely recognized, the needs of the people who build and manage them are less so. In my own experience, I was hired by INEE for my knowledge of education in emergencies — I had zero knowledge of networks and few of the skills required to fulfill my role. In conversations with network leaders and staff from around the world, I’ve found that my experience is a common one.
Speaking to network leaders and staff, it quickly becomes clear that these jobs are particularly hard. Sitting at the intersection of the people and organizations within our networks, we must manage all of their diverse needs, interests, and expectations. This reality implies a high level of complexity within the day-to-day work on both strategic and operational levels. Among other things, these conditions can contribute to feelings of isolation, especially for senior leaders.
Network leaders and staff are, as I was, often hired because they’ve worked on a relevant topic. As they come to find out, technical knowledge of the topic is helpful, even necessary, but not sufficient. We realize early on that networks are unlike other organizations we may have previously worked for. Seeking to better understand networks and effectively approach our work, we search for resources, guidance, and tools but often come up short. We learn on the job instead, often by trial and error — which sometimes feels like trial by fire. That can provide opportunities for us to innovate but can also reduce effectiveness and impact.[KT1]
Networks have great potential to change the world — as do the people that build and manage them[KT2] . We bring tremendous energy to our roles. We want to learn and to do our jobs well. We want practical tools and guidance. We want to connect to others so that we can feel less isolated and share the hard-won knowledge we’ve achieved through our experiences. We want to be more impactful and help others do the same.
The belief in a better way is the drive behind Collective Mind, a “network of networks” for peer-to-peer learning and support amongst network leaders and staff. If these experiences resonate with you, join our community.
Kerstin Tebbe
Founder, Collective Mind
To get in touch, contact me at kerstin@collectivemindglobal.org. I’d love to hear from you.